



公开大学学生帕里什“P”.J.“Waymon-Van Roberts, Angelica Noel Alexopoulos和贾里德·马克·巴内特于4月14日被董事会认可.

4月14日, 十大菠菜台子董事会表彰了三名本科生,他们在校园和社区中表现出色,是杰出的十大菠菜台子和领导者.

“这是我们毕业班的三个优秀学生,格伦·麦金托什说, 负责学生事务的高级副校长兼该校首席多元化官.

阿尔弗雷德·G. 威尔逊和玛蒂尔达R. 威尔逊奖-大学颁发给学生的最负盛名的荣誉-自1965年以来一直表彰公开大学的顶尖男女十大菠菜台子和领袖. 该奖项是为了纪念威尔逊家族, 谁慷慨地捐赠土地和财政资源,帮助在1957年建立了这所大学. 

“人际关系奖”旨在表彰在大学社区中产生有价值的社会影响的学生. 一个委员会审查来自教职员工和学生的提名,并选出获奖者.

推荐的候选人最终由负责学生事务的副校长和首席多元化官批准为获奖者, 而总统. 今年的获奖者包括:

阿尔弗雷德·G. 威尔逊奖:贾里德·马克·巴内特


Barnett从奥克兰社区学院转学进入十大菠菜台子,转学途径是Pontiac的Pontiac高中, 密歇根州. 到文理学院攻读社会学专业.  他保持了3分的成绩,证明了他的学习成绩优秀.作为一名全职员工,他的平均成绩为91分. Joseph Mercy Hospital; achieving Dean's List for each of his semesters at OU; being awarded the Donald Warren Outstanding 学术 Achievement Award; being a two-time recipient of the Hubert Price, Jr. Memorial Scholarship for Social Sciences Scholarship; and being recognized by his professors for his diligence and significant dedication to learning.

作为大学COVID-19档案项目的志愿者,巴尼特还展示了广泛的校园领导力, which was featured on a Fox-2 News segment; and various undergraduate research projects that played a large role in his transformation to becoming a high-achieving learner at OU.

他在密歇根州庞蒂亚克的鲍德温中心实习,致力于服务社会., 帮助学龄儿童掌握宝贵的生活技能, tutoring them on various homework assignments and working with their creative writing activities; and volunteering his time as a member of WeRun313, 这是底特律一家以跑步为基础的组织,通过跑步将志同道合的人联系起来,帮助建立一个更健康的社区, 繁荣的社会.

玛蒂尔达R. 威尔逊奖:Angelica Noel Alexopoulos

Angelica Noel Alexopoulos
Angelica Noel Alexopoulos

Alexopoulos以斯特林高地尤蒂卡国际研究学院的学生身份进入十大菠菜台子, 密歇根州. 在文理学院攻读生物医学专业. 她一直保持着4分的优异成绩.0 grade point average; achieving Dean's List honors for each of her semesters at OU; being awarded the 荣誉学院 Merit Scholarship; and receiving the Undergraduate Distinguished Achievement Award.

Alexopoulos has demonstrated widespread campus leadership as the lead teaching assistant for the College of 艺术与科学; a private tutor for K- 12 students in the Rochester area, teaching them fundamental concepts of math and science; as a competitive figure skater and figure skating coach for youth and young adults; and by taking the responsibility as the primary caregiver for her father, 被诊断为ALS的人.

She has dedicated herself to community service by volunteering at Ascension Hospital in inpatient physical therapy; building homes for needy families through Habitat for Humanity; packaging and delivering food for needy families at Gleaners' Mercado Food Hub; and caring for animals at the Detroit Animal Welfare Group.

人际关系奖:帕里什P.J.“Waymon-Van Roberts

帕里什“P.J.“Waymon-Van Roberts
帕里什“P.J.“Waymon-Van Roberts

罗伯茨以密歇根州比佛利山庄格罗夫斯高中学生的身份进入十大菠菜台子. 到文理学院修读公共关系与策略专业. 他保持了3分的成绩,证明了他的学习成绩优秀.1 grade point average; being a CORE ambassador in the Center for Multicultural Initiatives; being an orientation group leader in the Office of New Student Programs; and by being recognized by his professors for his diligence and significant dedication to learning.

Roberts has demonstrated widespread campus leadership by serving as the diversity and inclusion director for 十大菠菜台子 Student Congress; the director of diverse events with the Student Program Board; a member of the Gold Vibrations A'Cappella group in the School of Music, 剧院, and Dance; and serving as a mentor and advocate to students experiencing academic and mental health challenges.

他还致力于为校园社区服务,与大学高层领导密切合作,创建了一个全面的反歧视语言模板,包括在所有课程大纲中, 帮助培养一种文化,让学生可以在课堂上自由自在地表达自己,不受歧视,并与同龄人和教师进行具有变革意义的对话.

要了解更多关于十大菠菜台子威尔逊和人类关系奖的信息,请访问 www.奥克兰.edu/deanofstudents/dean_awards.
